Triple Threat Challenge!

Triple Threat Challenge!

5-day 30 minutes or more daily walking or another form of physical activity! Drink 64oz. or more water daily! 12:12 Intermittent fasting, eat for 12 hours of the day & fast for the other 12 hours! We are half-way through the year of 2020 and we have been faced...
Rejuvenate your body and mind

Rejuvenate your body and mind

Replace one daily meal with a healthy smoothie Daily Couch Squats Eating healthy foods during the COVID-19 pandemic and for everyday life will help your body fight off virus and diseases. If you eat a variety of fresh and unprocessed foods every day to get the...
Don’t be Salty! Reducing Salt Intake

Don’t be Salty! Reducing Salt Intake

Sometimes we just get in the habit of adding salt to our food. Often we feel like it is “how we are supposed to cook or taught to cook” and we cannot season our food without salt! Many times this is not the case and a lot of the food we consume does not...
Drink Your Water!

Drink Your Water!

Are you hungry all the time, feel thirsty, fatigued, and have a headache? You may be dehydrated. There are benefits of drinking water! Making sure you get your water in daily is an important part of taking care of your health and well-being. If you are feeling tired...

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